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Theoretical Model, Application in Color Quantization and Test Data.
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1 The performance of Merge sort algorithm (gray thick line) and Counting sort algorithm (colored thin lines) while sorting random natural numbers. Click image to zoom in. See also memory consumption chart here and test data file here.
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4 The performance of Hybrid method, combining Merge sort and Counting sort algorithms, while sorting random natural numbers. Click image to zoom in. See also memory consumption chart here and test data file here. |
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During 4K image color quantization of 24 bit to 8 bit, Merge sort is sorting within the red area, Counting sort within the yellow area and Hybrid method within the blue border, performing 161% faster than Merge sort and 15% faster than Counting sort. All 3 algorithms consume the same amount of temporary memory (64 MB). See also test data here.